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Ambassador Scheme

Companies across Devon are sharing the benefits of working and living in the county. Our Ambassadors help us to highlight what’s great about Devon through events, social media and networking, which in turn helps businesses that are thinking of expanding or relocating to the area to understand what it’s really like to be based here.

Ambassadors Role

For Devon based businesses interested in becoming a Devon Delivers Ambassador, please register your interest and we will be able to provide information on the role and advise on availability.

You will be able to choose how involved you’d like to be.  We have a range of opportunities to help you share your enthusiasm for Devon and you can shape your involvement in a way that works for you.

Get in touch to find out more

We’ll spread the word.

To all our Devon Delivers Ambassadors, please remember to let us know about your business success and developments.

Businesses considering expansion or relocation are often inspired by other companies who are doing well, so we’d like to share your good news through some of our news and social media channels.

So, if for example you win an award, expand your team or reach an important milestone, let us know and we’ll help spread the word.

Register your interest

  • Please provide your full name.
  • Please provide the best number to contact you on.
  • This helps us direct it to the right person.
  • Please provide as much detail as possible.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Getting in touch with a Devon Delivers Ambassador

The following businesses and organisations are Devon Delivers Ambassadors. 
If you contact Devon Delivers, we can put you in touch:

astley media
Axminster Tools
Burrington Estates
Chalk and Ward
Cosmic Logo
Dartmoor National Park
Darts Farm Logo
DB Enviro logo
Devon Wildlife Trust Logo
Eagle One Logo
Exeter Airport Logo
Exeter Cathedral Logo
University of Exeter Logo
Foot Anstey Logo
Forthglade Logo
Like Minds Logo
Met Office Logo
Moo Free Logo
One Voice Logo
Optix Solutions
Prydis Logo
RH Advertising Logo
Rokk Logo
Salcombe Gin Logo
Seabrook Clarke Logo
Synopsis Logo
The Company Logo
tt electronics aero-stanrew
Thrive Logo
Virtual Jet Centre Logo
Supported by Devon County Council